In May 2006 Dodzi Co operation started with the cultivation of a 10hec. Teak tree plantation in the neighborhood of the village in the V.R. called Ve- Agbome. One hectare contains thousand trees, and they need 10 to 20 years to grow and can be uses for electricity poles. We sell the trees to wood contractors.The proceeds will be used to exstent the plantation A 40 hc. plantation provide fulltime jobs to 15 people and to 30 seasonal workers during an average of 6 months.You can assist this project in paying for trees ( 5 euro each) For this amount we are able to nurse, plant grow and replace a sold tree. You will receive a letter with pictures and information about the teak plantation. Besides the opportunity to create jobs, it will reduce the illegal cutting of trees an when there should be sufficient plantations wood has not to be taken out of protected woods anymore. A tree has a possibility to filter carbon dioxcide (CO2) out of the air. Hothouse gasses lay, if we may say so, a blanket around the planet so that the heat cannot escape anymore Warmer temperatures are the result of . A growing tree has the ability to absorb CO2 and split it in C (oxygen) and O2 ( carbon) The carbon is absorbed in the wood and the oxygen is send back in to the atmosphere Woods destroy the hothouse gasses and prevent the climate change.