Wies Dorge comes from Tilburg , a capital in the Netherlands but she lived and worked for 40 years in the Volta Region. From 1971 till 1990 she was a social worker in service of the R.C. Church Since `1973 in she worked under Right reverend Bishop Francis Lodonu Bischop of Keta-Ho diocese. The Dutch NGO Memisa and the Dutch Mission Council have sponsored her. Her task was to set up Vocational Training Centres for middle school leavers. Thanks to her efforts in fifteen villages vocational training centres were established. The result of this development has been that thousands of youth have enjoyed a skill training. The Diocesan Congregation Of “ Mary Mother of the Church” was appointed by the Bishop F.A.K. Lodonu to take the work over when Wies in 1990 went home. In 1999 Her first Centre celebrated its 25 jubilee.An invitation of her successor in 1992 brought her back to Ghana for a short visit. Bishop Lodonu offered accommodation in a new parish at Golokuati a village in the middle of the Volta Region. Wies decided to accept this invitation and sold her house in the Netherlands.Since that time she worked together with the local people in order to get electricity drinking water; building day care centres/ kindergarten, primary and JHS schools; building of a maternity ; assisting in small scale industry, buying ;and for landless farmers and farming equipment. In the year 2000 Dozi cooperatio. This organisation had a aim to improve the living standard of the local people. She hoped in this way to contribute the migration of the youth to the cities. There awaits them unemployment and all its consequences , criminality, prostitution and drugs. The position of the women and girls in her surrounding appealed strait to her heart. Being a patriarchal society the women has hardly any right. The man inherit the land and if the husband dies the children are the procession of the family of the man en the women can go back to her mothers family if she is not willing to marry the husbands brother. Wies likes the women to become less independent and takes them up for example in the co operation.